If you plan a trip to Edinburg, Texas, you'll want to know everything about the city first. It's a Democratic stronghold, and the city's governing body comprises five commissioners. The mayor administers the city's affairs through his city manager. It is home to the Texas Department of Human Services, a Texas National Guard unit, and the Evins Regional Juvenile Center. The city is also home to the South Texas Symphony Association, which sponsors the Valley Symphony Orchestra and South Texas Chamber Orchestra. In addition, the University of Texas-Pan American was founded in 1927 as a junior college.
A large portion of the city's population lives in Edinburg. It's also home to the University of Texas-Pan American, the only four-year college in the Rio Grande Valley. Another notable citizen is the Medal of Honor recipient Alfredo Cantu Gonzalez, born in 1946. Edinburg is located in the McAllen-Edinburg-Mission metropolitan area, including McAllen and Mission. And don't forget about dolittle.
According to the US Census Bureau, there are 14,183 households in the city. 46.9% of households are made up of children under 18. The other 56.9% of households are married couples, while 15.4% comprise individuals. Five percent of households are senior citizens living alone. That is a cool fact. The average household size in Edinburg, Texas, is 3.29 people. If you have a pet or live in the city, you should consider buying a dog or a cat.
There are a lot of great places to visit and see in Edinburg, TX. We compiled a quick list here.
Point Of Interest #1 Bert Ogden Arena, 4900 S, I-69C, TX 78539
Point Of Interest #2 Freddy Gonzalez Memorial Park Splash Playground, 1402 S 18th Ave, Edinburg, TX 78539
Point Of Interest #3 La Sienna Park, 1996 Burns Blvd, Edinburg, TX 78541
Point Of Interest #4 Doolittle Nature Park, 1300 N Doolittle Rd, Edinburg, TX 78542
Point Of Interest #5 Museum of South Texas History, 200 N Closner Blvd, Edinburg, TX 78541
Driving/Walking Directions From POI #5 to Fix-A-Crack Windshield Repair & Replacement, LLC - McAllen, TX
Driving Directions To The Next Nearby Town/Suburb/Village/CDP/Unincorporated Area